Max Dental at Yaletown
Inlays and Onlays
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Dental Inlays and Onlays Near You

Progressions in the field of dentistry over the last few years have given patients more freedom and more choices when it comes to their oral health. With that said, if you’re dealing with tooth decay, you may wish to consider receiving dental inlays or onlays at a dental clinic in Yaletown as an alternative option.

A dental inlay is a special substance that’s placed inside the afflicted tooth when the cavity is too large for a regular filling. A dental onlay is a thin covering that’s applied on the top of your tooth. Both dental inlays and onlays help protect your teeth from further infection and keep your mouth clean.

Just like dental crowns, implants, and bridges, dental inlays and onlays can be made from a few materials; gold, resin, or porcelain are just a few examples. Resin and porcelain are a choice if you’re wanting your inlay or onlay to blend in with your smile.

The Process of Receiving Inlays and Onlays

Before receiving dental inlays or onlays, be sure to consult with your dentist first. They’ll be able to identify whether you’re a suitable candidate for this particular treatment or if another course of action would be more prudent.

This process requires two separate appointments. During your initial visit, your dentist will examine your teeth, clean them, and then make impressions so that your inlays or onlays can be customized to fit your smile exactly.

Dr. Peter Servinis
Dr. Peter Servinis
You’ll return for a follow-up visit once they’ve been made. Your dentist will apply them and make sure they harden in place properly. They’ll also ensure that everything is in order with your bite.

If you have any questions, or if you require additional care, don’t hesitate to talk to your dentist. Here at our Yaletown dental clinic, we’ll do everything we can to keep you comfortable during the treatment.

The Benefits of Receiving Inlays and Onlays in Yaletown

Some of the advantages of receiving dental inlays and onlays at a dental clinic near you include:

1. They’re made of the highest-quality materials. You won’t have to worry about it irritating your gums.

2. They help preserve your teeth. This process is straightforward and filing down or reshaping your tooth to receive the inlay or onlay isn’t necessary. The overall structure of your tooth will remain intact.

3. They’re durable. If you practice good oral habits, they’ll last a long time.

4. Inlays and onlays can be customized to blend in with your smile and resist stains.

5. Lastly, they help improve your oral hygiene!

Are you looking to receive dental inlays or onlays near you? Contact our dental clinic to get started today! We’ll walk you through the entire process, so you know what to expect. We look forward to helping you repair your smile!